The Engels family, based in the bustling heart of Berlin, is a tumultuous and fractured unit consisting of parents Milena and Tim, both in their late forties, 17-year-old twins Frieda and Jon, and 8-year-old Dio. Each of them is struggling with their own personal chaos after losing the common bond that once held them together as a family. When Syrian immigrant Farrah enters their lives as a housekeeper, she unexpectedly sets the disparate family on a new track. Quickly, each family member forms a profound and enigmatic connection with Farrah, falling individually for her focused yet mysterious persona. The Engels gradually unveil their past wounds and fractures to Farrah and they start to reconnect with each other after years of estrangement. But ultimately, they understand that Farrah has been seeking their family for a long time and is now leading them on a journey into the unknown...