My Place Is Here

by Daniela PortoCristiano Bortone

A compelling tale of women empowerment and pursuit of happiness, set at the time of the first feminist movement in Southern Italy. It stars Ludovica Martino ("SKAM Italia") and "Cinema Paradiso's" Marco Leonardi.

In the impoverished confines of her parents' home, 17-year-old Marta awaits the return of her fiancé from war. As a single mother, she faces the scorn of her community and once the war is over and Michele doesn't turn back, she finds herself promised to an older farmer. During the village's preparatory course for wives, she forges an unlikely friendship with Lorenzo, the village's openly gay "wedding planner." In the conservative backdrop of rural Southern Italy, Lorenzo introduces her to a hidden community of gays, sparking Marta's courageous journey to challenge societal prejudices. In the first year of women's suffrage in Italy, Marta navigates her evolving role as a woman, breaking barriers and finding her place in a changing world.

Genre / Language / Length
Drama / Italian / 107 minutes
Original title
Il Mio Posto È Qui
directed by
Daniela PortoCristiano Bortone
director of photography
Emilio M. Costa
screenplay by
Daniela PortoCristiano Bortone
produced by
Orisa Produzioni in co-production with Goldkind Film
  • Ludovica Martino (SKAM ITALIA)
  • Bianca Maria D'Amato (SANTA LUCIA)
  • Giorgia Arena (GIGOLO PER CASO)

Press Quotes

"Has its heart in the right place, and knows how to engage ours too."
"Featuring strong performances by leads Ludovica Martino and Marco Leonardi"
"One of the story's strongest suits is the fact that it places young Marta credibly in her place and time – thus making her slow-brewed rebellion both affecting and believable."
Screen International

"Ludovica Martino does deliver her most accomplished acting performance here, dazzling in the role of Marta."
"There've been a number of films, of late, about female emancipation, but this one has the virtue of delivering a realistic and sensitive portrayal of the extreme poverty which was typical of rural southern Italy in the ‘40s, as well as offering a glimpse of a hidden, unsuspected and ahead-of-its-time queer community."

"A remarkable work."
"Porto and Bortone's [choice] is not a fairy tale, rather the raw, direct, realistic and therefore effective rendering of a historical cross-section that we have rarely been able to encounter and observe in our latest cinema, as well as in international cinema."
"What a beautiful film."

"Female redemption that speaks to the present"
The Hollywood Reporter

"A poignant tale."
Corriere della Sera

"Sensitive and gentle."
